Why Not Almost There? I had never run a long race in my life, but here I am, in the middle of the 2015 Chicago Marathon. I’m feeling fantastic, even thinking I could go double the distance. Just being in this race was a mini-miracle. I had heart surgery and back surgery a decade earlier. I could barely stand back then, let alone run. Nonetheless, I’m fired up and feel better than ever. Then I see right in front of me— a sign that nearly stops me in my tracks, NOT ALMOST THERE. I try to brush it off but can’t stop thinking about those words. Every step seems heavier, harder, and then I start cramping up. I begin to walk and complain inside and out. I struggle the entire second half but finish (barely) with everything I have after being physically and mentally crushed. I have never stopped thinking about that sign but that’s fueled a quest to understand the power of the mind, body, and spirit. To understand how we accomplish things. To understand how we become better in the race against time and ourselves. Who am I? Southside Chicago kid. Young Father (20). Assembly line worker. Found 15 seconds between building cars to study. Graduated. Took 5 years. Created a few companies. Sold two. 800 employees. Created Refuel and Not Almost There to help others.
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Against All Odds with Brian Reyelt
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Brian Reyelt is an award-winning executive chef and restauranteur for over 20 years. Brian graduated magnum cum laude from Johnson & Wales Culinary University where he studied the business side as well as the cooking side of the food world. He was invited to cook at the James Beard House, and has successfully opened several restaurants, with his first restaurant opening before he was 30 years old. Most impressively, Brian overcame his toxic relationship with alcohol. He went through years where he went down a slippery slope until he found himself in a situation that demanded change. Now he is over 4 years sober and is focusing his efforts on his mental health as well as physical health. He has run 4 marathons, swam the Long Island Sound, and most recently completed an incredible feat of finishing Kokoro Camp, a 50+ hour crucible training which mimics BUDS navy seal training’s hell week, run by Retired Navy Seal Commander Mark Divine's SealFit.
→IN THIS EPISODE…Joe and Brian discuss Brian’s battle and triumph over alcohol. Joe has known Brian for almost 2 years now, and what is most impressive is that Brian had the courage to admit things were out of control, he had the courage to seek treatment, and today he has the courage to share his story with you.
🔍 Breakdown with Brian Reyelt:
Chapter 1 (0:00) Intro
Joe introduces Brian Reyelt and sets the story
Chapter 2 (2:21) Rock BottomBrian shares the painful story of his lowest moment struggling with alcohol
Chapter 3 (6:00) Finding help
Miraculously Brian had a friend at the hospital that helped get him to the right place, and he shares what got him here
Chapter 4 (38:49) Continuing that help
After getting out of rehab, Brian continued his recovery in a halfway house which helped his transition to return to his life
Chapter 5 (47:09) Dealing with unhappiness
Finally achieving sobriety, Brian was still struggling with unhappiness. His wife helped him find a new direction
Chapter 6 (53:50) Finding salvation in the physical
Brian began focusing on his help and physical fitness. He has worked with Mark Divine and the Navy Seal Fit team, including an almost impossible feat of completing Kokora
Chapter 7 (1:12:45) Next Adventures
Brian is focused on the future and continuing to improve and help others
Chapter 8 (30:47) Wrap Up
Joe wraps up the episode with Bran
Material Referenced in this interview:
📞 If you or someone you love is struggling:
👊 To learn more about Not Almost There by visiting this link
→ Not Almost There http://notalmostthere.com/
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