Why Not Almost There? I had never run a long race in my life, but here I am, in the middle of the 2015 Chicago Marathon. I’m feeling fantastic, even thinking I could go double the distance. Just being in this race was a mini-miracle. I had heart surgery and back surgery a decade earlier. I could barely stand back then, let alone run. Nonetheless, I’m fired up and feel better than ever. Then I see right in front of me— a sign that nearly stops me in my tracks, NOT ALMOST THERE. I try to brush it off but can’t stop thinking about those words. Every step seems heavier, harder, and then I start cramping up. I begin to walk and complain inside and out. I struggle the entire second half but finish (barely) with everything I have after being physically and mentally crushed. I have never stopped thinking about that sign but that’s fueled a quest to understand the power of the mind, body, and spirit. To understand how we accomplish things. To understand how we become better in the race against time and ourselves. Who am I? Southside Chicago kid. Young Father (20). Assembly line worker. Found 15 seconds between building cars to study. Graduated. Took 5 years. Created a few companies. Sold two. 800 employees. Created Refuel and Not Almost There to help others.
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Authentically Giving Back with Bridget Hilton
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Bridget Hilton is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and inspirational speaker. With 20 years of experience as a designer and marketer, Bridget has built 8-figure businesses while traveling the world giving back. She is passionate about sharing her experiences and inspiring others to live a more fulfilling life. She co-founded her company LSTN in 2012 to create the world's first inspirational electronics company which has helped more than 50,000 people receive hearing aids through their proceeds. Her efforts have been featured on Good Morning America, Today Show, and the New York Times. Most recently she is developing a new company called, Experiential Billionaire where she is focused to help shift people’s focus away from acquiring things to acquiring experiences. Bridget is on a mission to help others invest in experiences, expand their time and die with no regrets.
IN THIS EPISODE… In today’s episode, Bridget and Joe talk about founding her company, why her mission of philanthropy was so important, and how she was able to break through such a crowded space with LSTN, which includes a special partnership with Tim Ferris and Delta Airlines, which are two incredible opportunities! They also discuss how 2020 made a profound impact not only on her business but on her mental health, which led Bridget to start a new company, experiential billionaire. It is an incredible idea, where she is focused to help shift focus away from acquiring things to acquiring experiences.
🔍 Breakdown with Bridget Hilton:
Chapter 1 (0:00): Introduction
Joe introduces Bridget and sets up the episode.
Chapter 2 (2:00) Getting into the audio space
Bridget had a profound experience watching a video of a girl hearing sound for the first time, and what happened next was incredible.
Chapter 3 (11:19) Designing a cool product
Breaking into the audio space is very difficult. Bridget knew she had to focus on the design to really set herself apart.
Chapter 4 (17:46) Encounter with a Lion
Bridget found herself face to face with a lioness. This could have been the end for Bridget, but she shared what happened.
Chapter 5 (23:03) Living intentionally
It is easy to get lost in the day-to-day. It is so important to make sure you are living a life of substance and purpose.
Chapter 6 (25:38) What has made an impact
Finding outlets to help focus on developing your best self is so important. Bridget shares what books and life events really made an impact.
Chapter 7 (28:30) transcendental meditation
Finding different exercises to help with mental health is so important. Transcendental medication really was a turning point.
Chapter 8 (29:33) LSTN helping others
LSTN gives back to 3rd world countries and gives hearing aids to those in need. They have been able to help over 50,000 people.
Chapter 9 (32:58) Developing experiential billionaire
Being surrounded by too many things makes your life go by so much faster. Slow things down and make memories by investing in experiences.
Chapter 10 (45:28) Closing Remarks
Joe wraps up the episode and shares his final thoughts
Material Referenced in this interview:
📞 Connect with Bridget Hilton
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