Why Not Almost There? I had never run a long race in my life, but here I am, in the middle of the 2015 Chicago Marathon. I’m feeling fantastic, even thinking I could go double the distance. Just being in this race was a mini-miracle. I had heart surgery and back surgery a decade earlier. I could barely stand back then, let alone run. Nonetheless, I’m fired up and feel better than ever. Then I see right in front of me— a sign that nearly stops me in my tracks, NOT ALMOST THERE. I try to brush it off but can’t stop thinking about those words. Every step seems heavier, harder, and then I start cramping up. I begin to walk and complain inside and out. I struggle the entire second half but finish (barely) with everything I have after being physically and mentally crushed. I have never stopped thinking about that sign but that’s fueled a quest to understand the power of the mind, body, and spirit. To understand how we accomplish things. To understand how we become better in the race against time and ourselves. Who am I? Southside Chicago kid. Young Father (20). Assembly line worker. Found 15 seconds between building cars to study. Graduated. Took 5 years. Created a few companies. Sold two. 800 employees. Created Refuel and Not Almost There to help others.
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Choose Your Hard with Patty Morrissey
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Patty Morrissey is the Founder and Head Coach at Clear & Cultivate and creator of The Clear & Cultivate Method™. She was also one of the first KonMari® consultants in the US. She has an undergraduate degree in psychology and a master’s degree in social work. An obsession with self-improvement and furthering the common good is the thread throughout her dynamic career in social work, higher education, tech startups, philanthropy, and consulting.
Patty applies her experience in clinical social work to unpack both the physical and emotional stuff that's getting in your way so that you can become the person you are meant to be.
Patty believes our own definition of success is the only one that matters.
Choose Your Hard: // Not Almost There // Week Four
In this episode, Patty challenges you to reflect on your life, and create your own life KPIs. She encourages you through reflecting on what life would look like in replay when 100 years old, creating your alter ego, and trying out new challenges before fully committing so you set yourself up for optimal achievement.
Material Referenced in this interview:
→A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller
→Living with the Monks by Jesse Itzler
→Limitless by Jim Kwik
→More Myself by Alicia Keys
→Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins
→The Wim Hof Method by Wim Hof
→WomanCode: Perfect Your Cycle by Alisa Vitti
→Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything by BG Fogg
Breakdown of Choose Your Hard with Patty Morrissey:
Chapter 1 (0:00) True Authentic Self
Patty’s inspiration came from Benjamin Franklin who carried around a notebook and asks, “What good did I do today?” Don’t give everything you have to those around you and leave nothing for yourself. Set boundaries.
Chapter 2 (4:15) Life KPI’s: Rules to Live a Good Life
A great device to set standards on what you need to be living your best life. Identify buckets of what you need to be happy. Track how often you are filling your buckets each week and dedicating time to what fulfills you.
Chapter 3 (7:40) 100 Year Exercise - A Hero’s Journey
Not only what does your life look like at 100, which would imply making a change and making sure that reflection is a positive and fulfilling experience, but start with what you have done now. What is the movie trailer of your life so far?
Chapter 4 (11:53) Choose your Hard
Life is hard. Nothing worthwhile is easy, so the best thing you can do is choose which hard works for you. You have to be uncomfortable in order to grow.
Chapter 5 (14:25) Vision Boards
Putting to paper with words and images is a great way to visualize your goals. Once you have a vision for where you want to go or what you want to accomplish it helps set your focus and opens you up to possibilities. This allows you to experience openness and discovery.
Chapter 6 (19:26) Develop Your Alter Ego
Whatever your aspirational self is; your best qualities, the qualities you wish you had, you develop into your alter ego. Give your alter ego a name, and harness that persona to give yourself power and permission to be bold. Then ask yourself, “why do you believe that isn’t you already?”
Chapter 7 (30:42) New Definition of Success: How Can I Get Started?
Start with contemplation. You can’t go after what you want or change your behavior if you know what that is. Have a daily review. Share what you a grateful for when you felt the most alive, and what your shortcomings are. This opens you up to how you can make tomorrow better. It will force you to change bad habits.
Chapter 8 (37:20) Key Take-Aways for Parents
Kids don’t have the same baggage as we do. When talking with your children, don’t impose your opinions on them. You don’t need to put so much effort into their personal growth, you just need to create the right conditions for them to thrive.
Chapter 9 (41:25) Relationship Between Organization and Your Life
Think about the power of design. Focus on what you want your surroundings to trigger. The life you are trying to create is prompted by the conditions you set up. Take a look at how your environment supports your best behavior.
Chapter 10 (45:50) My Successful Habits: 30 Day Self Care
Give yourself permission to be unstructured. Time block your week, look at your KPI bucket and make sure you set yourself times during the day. Most importantly, do what works best for you. Also if you are trying to start a new habit/routine try it before you fully commit. Make sure it makes sense for you.
Connect with Patty
→https://www.clearcultivate.com/reflections (worksheet)
Feel free to learn more about Not Almost There by visiting this link
→ Not Almost There http://notalmostthere.com/
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