Why Not Almost There? I had never run a long race in my life, but here I am, in the middle of the 2015 Chicago Marathon. I’m feeling fantastic, even thinking I could go double the distance. Just being in this race was a mini-miracle. I had heart surgery and back surgery a decade earlier. I could barely stand back then, let alone run. Nonetheless, I’m fired up and feel better than ever. Then I see right in front of me— a sign that nearly stops me in my tracks, NOT ALMOST THERE. I try to brush it off but can’t stop thinking about those words. Every step seems heavier, harder, and then I start cramping up. I begin to walk and complain inside and out. I struggle the entire second half but finish (barely) with everything I have after being physically and mentally crushed. I have never stopped thinking about that sign but that’s fueled a quest to understand the power of the mind, body, and spirit. To understand how we accomplish things. To understand how we become better in the race against time and ourselves. Who am I? Southside Chicago kid. Young Father (20). Assembly line worker. Found 15 seconds between building cars to study. Graduated. Took 5 years. Created a few companies. Sold two. 800 employees. Created Refuel and Not Almost There to help others.
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Supercharge Your Brain with Jim Kwik
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
JIM KWIK is a New York Times Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur, and International Speaker. After suffering a brain injury at the age of 5, he thought he was useless and a worthless person. But one day when he met the father of a friend, he found out that he was not worthless and then he started reading what he loves and kept focusing on the concept of “how to learn something”, and he started investing his focus in learning. After years of slowly investing, he learned how to become an expert in speed-reading, brain performance, memory improvement, and accelerated learning. He is now a well-known brain coach. He has trained CEOs, celebrities, and many big companies such as Virgin, SpaceX, Fox Studios, Naik, Japon, and Harvard University. He also wrote the book, Limitless, and he donates the proceeds to charities advancing the studies in Alzheimer's and underdeveloped countries providing schools and opportunities for learning.
IN THIS EPISODE...Joe sits down with Jim in his home to talk about the concepts from his life and book, Limitless.
🔍 Breakdown with Jim Kwik:
Chapter 1 (0:00): Introduction
Joe introduces Jim Kwik and sets up the episode.
Chapter 2 (1:35): Jim tells his story
From a young age, Jim suffered an accident that left him feeling inept at learning and unconfident in his cognitive abilities
Chapter 3 (10:30): Starting his path toward meta-learning
Going to college was something Jim didn’t feel he would be able to do, and yet he found himself in school and finding a mentor that helped him find confidence in his abilities.
Chapter 4 (20:17): Pushing through adversity
There was a path Jim had to take between where Jim is today and his origin story. Jim shares how he was able to do this and Joe gives him truth bumps along the way.
Chapter 5 (28:13): Living in a digital era
We are in a world that offers so many distractions, so Jim offers his insights into being proactive versus reactive and how we can take those tips into our parenting skills.
Chapter 6 (42:13): Leading by example
Consistency compounds is a two-word phrase that Jim encourages us to think about when setting up our daily routines.
Chapter 7 (49:50): Digital villains
Jim identifies three digital villains that drain our time and our mental capacity. It is what to look out for and make sure to overcome.
Chapter 8 (55:05): Top ten skills to train your brain
There are 10 important skills Jim identifies and has in his book people should follow to make sure their brains are performing optimally.
Chapter 9 (63:43): Daily Routine
Jim has a daily routine that helps fortify his ideals around meta-learning.
Chapter 10 (72:55): How to retain and recall
Jim Shares how he is able to retain and recall information for all of the countless books he has read and continues to read.
Chapter 11 (83:22): Closing Remarks
Joe wraps up the episode and shares his final thoughts
Material Referenced in this interview:
→Limitless by Jim Kwik
→Atomic Habits by Tony Hsieh
→How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
→Limitless by Jim Kwik
📞 Connect with Jim
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→ Not Almost There http://notalmostthere.com
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